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Lowongan Kerja PT Oki Pulp & Paper Mills (APP Sinar Mas)

Lowongan Kerja PT Oki Pulp & Paper Mills (APP Sinar Mas) - Oki Pulp & Paper Mills adalah perusahaan pabrik kertas yang merupakan bagian dari Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), Sinarmas Group. Pabrik Oki Pulp and Paper berada di Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatra Selatan.

Perusahaan ini merupakan anak perusahaan dari Asia Pulp & Paper Group. Fasilitas pabrik yang dioperasikannya menghasilkan produk-produk kertas seperti kertas tanpa karbon, kertas halus dan sebagainya.

Lowongan Kerja PT Oki Pulp & Paper Mills (APP Sinar Mas)
Lowongan Kerja PT Oki Pulp & Paper Mills (APP Sinar Mas)

1. Specialist Automation

Qualification :

  • Candidate must possess at least Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree in Process Design & Control / Instrument, Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Mechatronic/Electromechanical), Computer Engineering, Engineering (Others) or equivalent.
  • At least 4 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Managing and maintaining Instrument and Control System for Entire Plant Include Process Plant, Power Plant, Automatic Packaging, Automatic Filling Robotic Line.
  • Have experience in Networking and Expansion project,
  • Able Monitoring DCS/PLC application modification as needed by process requirement
  • Able Evaluate and solve Automation System faulty problems
  • Fluent in spoken and written English
  • Able to work in team and individual
  • Working Location : OKI, Sumatera Selatan

2. Cost Budget Payment Control Project

Qualification :

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering
  • Minimum 6 years’ working experience as Budget Payment Control
  • Familiar with use the cost sofware market prices, SAP System etc.
  • Able in Cost accouting work, audit work for sattlement tracking forecast of cost indicators and dynamic cost payment tracking of progress payment
  • Good command of written and spoken English
  • Working Location : OKI, Sumatera Selatan

3. Officer Billing Verificator

Qualification :

  • Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline, Finance & Accounting/Business Administration preferred.
  • Minimmum 2 Years working experience as Billing Staff
  • Able to use MS Office and SAP
  • Having high sense of integrity and responsibility.
  • Possess strong analytical skill and problem-solving skill.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English
  • Able to work in team and individual
  • Working Location : OKI, Sumatera Selatan

4. QC Civil Inspector

Qualification :

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Civil) or equivalent.
  • Minimum 5 years working experience as QC Civil Inspector
  • Able to use Microsoft Office & Auto CAD
  • Having knowledge in Civil Construction, Working Drawing, and Structure Material.
  • Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Engineering – Civil/Construction/Structural or equivalent.
  • Good knowledge of Policies and Procedures of civil work
  • Fluent in spoken and written English
  • Able to work in team and individual
  • Working Location : OKI, Sumatera Selatan

Send your CV Update to:

  1. recruitment_okipp@app.co.id
  2. Subject : Nama_Posisi yang dilamar
  3. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan kami proses ke tahap selanjutnya


  • Semua proses perekrutan tidak dipungut biaya apapun, harap berhati-hati terhadap tindakan penipuan mengatasnamakan HRD PT. OKI Pulp & Paper Mills
  • Semua proses perekrutan hanya dilakukan melalui email resmi recruitment_okipp@app.co.id
  • Harap hanya mencantumkan kode Prodi sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan yang anda miliki
  • Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dihubungi lebih lanjut

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